Pivot Electric Machines Corp builds new and retrofits existing heavy equipment with economically viable and operational effective “next generation” battery systems.


Pivot Electric Machines Corp builds new and retrofits existing heavy equipment witheconomically viable and operational effective “next generation” battery systems.

42t Sandvik Th454i Retrofit BEV*

231t Caterpillar 793, Retrofit Surface Haul Truck

7t Epiroc ST7 Retrofit underground scoop


Lithium-ion battery production is a dirty, high carbon emission process
The average battery powered automobile must be driven 150,000 km on clean power before its production cost is carbon neutral with an internal combustion engine (gas) vehicle.
We are dedicated to economically transforming the mining and construction industries into carbon neutral businesses that not only supply the green economy but are aligned with the social climate and economic imperatives of our changing world.


Go Green

Mining and construction industries are building the foundation for the green revolution but they are not green themselves.

The Tech

Existing manufacturers are invested in existing Lithium-ion battery technology.


High energy demands exceed the capacity of current battery energy density and charging capabilities so existing battery electric equipment is not competitive, except in extreme conditions.

Shift Focus

Major OEMs focus on new equipment sales, and do not prioritize a need for existing fleet conversion from diesel engines to battery power and under-estimate the market for competitive equipment in the mining and construction business.


Production of Lithium-ion batteries is inherently carbon intensive and mining is a key component of producing battery metals

Existing battery technology is not efficient, robust or safe enough to effectively replace diesel engines that gobble up diesel at 4 liters/minute.

Mobile equipment accounts for 30% of carbon emissions in mines, more when you add ventilation and air heating.

Next generation batteries and chargers will provide a fast charging, robust, safe and economic solution.

Miners are racing to reduce carbon emissions to maintain social license.


The Decline

Existing Equipment manufacturers are tied to dead-end battery technology.

Carbon Neutral

Solid State batteries are the pivot that the mining and construction industry needs to move forward to a carbon neutral future.

Go Green

Mining and construction companies are under pressure to retrofit existing fleets and go green in new fleet purchases.

New Sales

Existing manufacturers ignoring retrofitting current equipment to electric and are focusing on new equipment sales.

The Market

Pivot’s initial focus is the Remanufacturing market, which is worth > $100b, and a long-term recurring heavy equipment market of $20b per year.


Pivot EM’s long-term plan is to manufacture OEM heavy equipment through relationships with remanufactured equipment customers.


To Date


First generation Electric equipment deployed underground


Macassa Mine becomes the first all-electric mine

Sep 2021

Pivot Electric Machine (PEM) founded

Feb 2022

PEM chooses 30-80t battery/motor class for first design and produces conceptual battery

Apr 2022

PEM reserves B0 series batteries for prototype units

May 2022

PEM locks in high level conceptual design of 42t underground truck as first retrofit model

The Future

Q2 2023

Detail design and construction of 42t Retrofit truck

Q2 2023

Expand equipment line to surface trucks up to 400t capacity, follow with OEM optimized Battery Electric Vehicles.

H2 2023

Pivot Electric Machine (PEReceipt of B0 early production batteries and deployment of prototype test vehicles.M) founded


Further deployment of prototype vehicles, building order book

Q3 2025

Receipt of first commercial production solid state batteries and delivery of commercial trucks and shovels.